For Emily Short's Bring Out Your Dead jam, a text game about jumping off towers, gliding around a landscape, and seeing things. Mostly an experiment in representing continuous space in text.

Perhaps contrary to the spirit of the jam, I took a bit of code I had lying around and added a lot more to it just before finishing it and submitting it to the jam. In the original code there was literally just about nothing to do, and the descriptions were confusing--I hadn't implemented anything to tell you when something that you saw to the south was now visible in the southwest, so it was impossible to tell where anything was. So I implemented that, and some other things, and created a bunch of things to see in the plain. But the complicated story about why you were gliding around the plain... that is thoroughly abandoned.

Can also be found at


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Please enable the full-screen button?

(2 edits)

Done, though it took a while to find it. (Didn't understand what it does, really; I thought, well, this isn't a Twine.... And it looks as though you have to click it after you start the game, or it'll give you the default Twine color-scheme? Ugh, that makes the source text unreadable.)

You're right about the source text being awful unless you time it right. But I remembered how to make the game more playable without having a full-screen button and the accompanying Twine problem! I swapped the viewport width on my games to 1366 px x 700 px.

(Disclaimer: This fits my screen well but may be problematic for other people.)

Done, thanks! On my laptop it's a bit ooky--if you scroll to the right you can see all the text but it's ugly, and the status line gets messed up. But it's better than it was, and I guess if it doesn't work people can go fullscreen, so it's better than before when it wouldn't work for anyone without fullscreen. Thanks again!

(Maybe we should beep the people about the color scheme for fullscreen?)

Sounds good!

Apart from all that - this is a cool unfinished project and I enjoyed floating around.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! (Sorry for not replying earlier but my browser decided to take focus off the comment box with each keystroke.)

As you can tell I've been working on 2d movement for a while... a lot of this depends on the implementation I started with (the underlying model in Terminator is a lot different), but hopefully I'll be able to keep using some of the things in here about keeping track of things as you move around them, and get closer and nearer. (The code for moving around them was a lot of what I was adding just before the jam, because without that it's totally impossible to keep track of where things are.)